

Latest News 21 October, 2024

Ikigai Barossa Support Group

Relationships Australia Ikigai Barossa Support Group - Wednesday 30th October then fortnightly, 1pm to 2.30pm at the Christian Community Hub, Tanunda.

Aims to provide a safe place to explore a ranch of issues that may impact your wellbeing.

For more information contact Joan at 0400 624 103 or email


8th September 2024 Service

20 September, 2024


Seeing God’s hand

by Verena Johnson

Click here to download your printable verse to carry with you today.

This is from the Lord; we can say nothing to you one way or the other (Genesis 24:50b).

Read Genesis 24:28–38,49–51

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. It’s amazing how we can see things with so much more clarity when we look back on them. Then there’s foresight, where we can predict future possibilities and prepare for them.

There’s another ‘sight’ that you may not have heard of. Probably because I just invented it. I wish I had ‘middle-sight’, where I could see what is really going on right in the middle of things and not have to wait until later or try to predict it earlier.

After reading this story again, I am amazed at how everybody seemed to understand exactly what was going on while it was happening. There appears to be no confusion or questioning. No-one doubts that it’s God’s plan and his doing. They can all see God’s hand so clearly as the story unfolds. Laban sums it up by saying, ‘This is from the Lord’. He goes on to add that there is nothing more they can say about it.

So why is it so hard to see God’s hand in our lives at times? Then, when we do, why do we second-guess him, doubt him, question him and have so much to say?

Sometimes we fail to see the hand of God in the midst of things simply because we’re not looking for it or even expecting it. Maybe it’s because we have a set idea of how he should be acting and what he should be doing, and we’re not looking anywhere else. If we can’t see God’s hand, it’s not because he’s not actively working in our lives. He is. He is always at work and blessing us beyond measure.

We can ask God to open our spiritual eyes to see his hand more clearly in our everyday lives and then actively look for him, expecting to see him at work.

Think back over the last few days. Where can you see the hand of God? How has God been active in your everyday life?

Loving Father, thank you that you are active in my life. Thank you for all the blessings you give me each day. Open my spiritual eyes to see your hand more clearly in my life. Help me to look for you and expect you today. Amen.

Verena is a Church Worker Support Officer for the LCA’s Church Worker Support team, through which it is her privilege to support congregations, pastors, lay workers, employees and volunteers of the LCA. In her spare time, she is involved in drama ministry, women’s ministry and prayer ministry. She has three children and nine grandchildren in three different states.


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