

Latest News 8 February, 2025

Lutheran Care Update

Lutheran Care Update

We are currently looking for a new Thursday Emergency Relief Meeting Volunteer. The hours are 9am-12pm every Thursday.

Items needed this month - thank you for your generosity

Cans of Spaghetti - Men's Deodorant - 2 in1 Shampoo and Conditioner & Conditioner


12th January 2025 Bethany Service

17 January, 2025

Worship Service led by Pastor Paul Kerber



by Rachael Stelzer

Click here to download your printable verse to carry with you today.

When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, ‘Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!’ (Luke 5:8)

Read Luke 5:1–11

Peter and his brother and friends had been fishing all night. And they had caught nothing all night. These simple men had not even caught enough fish to feed their families, much less enough to sell to make a profit.

And now this stranger, this itinerant preacher, was telling them to try again on the other side of the boat. It beggared all common sense. What did he know about fishing?

And yet, something about the way he spoke drew Peter in. There was something about him. And Peter figured he had nothing to lose. So, he talked the others into trying again.

And suddenly, they reeled in a catch like they had never seen before. So many fish that they were nearly swamped! They called for reinforcements from the other boat, and both almost sank under the weight of the fish!

And Peter knew without a doubt that something more than an abundant catch was being provided here. Peter recognised the power at work in this man. And his own imperfection. And the fear of God moved him to speak.

‘Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!’

But the stranger did not turn away. Instead, he calmly said, with a twinkle in his eye, ‘Don’t be afraid. From now on, you will be catching people.’

And Peter was hooked from that moment.

Dear Lord, when we recognise the abundance you bring into our lives and communities, we are hooked. May our lives tell the story of your welcome, your leading and your rich love so that others will also be attracted to the abundant life you offer. Amen.

Rachael Stelzer is Primary Head of Faith and Spirituality at Coomera Anglican College near Brisbane. She is a member of Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Rochedale.


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