22 December, 2023

Bulletin Update

There will be no Church Bulletin for the next two weeks after the 24th December Bulletin. They will resume as usual on the 14th of January 2024 for the Bethany and Tabor services. Everyone have a Blessed and safe Christmas.

22 December, 2023

Christmas Eve & Day Services

24/12 Service 9 am Parish Service at Bethany

24/12 Christmas Eve: 5.00 pm Combined Service at Faith Lutheran College - live-streamed at http://stream

25/12 Christmas Day: 9.00 am Parish Service at Tabor

18 December, 2023

German Christmas Services

These are all the German services. The list is both in English and German language.

4. Advent / Heiliger Abend — Sonntag, den 24. Dezember 2023, 17:00 Uhr:

Weihnachtsgottesdienst in DEUTSCHER Sprache

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 139 Archer St, North Adelaide

(Pastor Theo Prucha und Laientheologe Gerhard Ruediger)

1. Weihnachtstag — Montag, den 25. Dezember 2023, 9:30 Uhr:

Lutherischer Gottesdienst in DEUTSCHER & ENGLISCHER Sprache, mit Abendmahl

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 139 Archer St, North Adelaide

(Pastoren Wayne Boehm & Theo Prucha)

Silvester / Jahresschluss 2023 — Sonntag, den 31. Dezember 2023, 18:00 Uhr:

Jahresschlussgottesdienst in DEUTSCHER & ENGLISCHER Sprache, mit Abendmahl

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 139 Archer St, North Adelaide,

(Pastor Theo Prucha und Laientheologe Gerhard Ruediger)

4th Advent / Christmas Eve — Sunday 24 December 5pm:

Christmas Eve worship service (Carols and message) in the German Language

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 139 Archer St, North Adelaide

(Pastor Theo Prucha and Lay theologian Gerhard Ruediger)

Christmas Day — Monday 25 December 2023, 9:30 am:

Lutheran worship service in the Englisch and German language, with Communion

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 139 Archer St, North Adelaide

(Pastors Wayne Boehm & Theo Prucha)

New Year's Eve 2023 — Sunday 31 December 2023, 6pm:

End of Year worship service in the German dn English language, with Communion

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 139 Archer St, North Adelaide,

(Pastor Theo Prucha and Lay theologian Gerhard Ruediger)

18 December, 2023

Christmas Services


24/12 Service 9 am Parish Service at Bethany

24/12 Christmas Eve: 5.00 pm Combined Service at Faith Lutheran College - live-streamed at http://stream

25/12 Christmas Day: 9.00 am Parish Service at Tabor

15 December, 2023

Christian Community Hub

Christmas and New Year Closure dates:

The Hub will close on Friday 22nd December at 4 pm

The GOoD SEED Bookshop will close on Saturday 23rd December at 12 pm

The Hub & Bookshop are re-opening Monday 8th January 2024 at 9.00 am

Wishing you all Christmas Blessings and a Joyous and Happy New Year. Thank you for supporting the HUB and The GOoD SEED

We look forward to seeing you in 2024.

Blessings from the Staff and Volunteers at The Hub and The GOoD SEED.

11 December, 2023

Tabor Notices

TABOR BUDGET AND ELECTIONS MEETING: will be held on Sunday 17 December 2023 following our 9.00 am Service.

HONEY BISCUITS: Tabor requires 100 honey biscuits for the Christmas Eve Service to give out to the children. If you are happy to bake we have someone who is happy to decorate.

YOUNG LIFE AUSTRALIA: Thank you so much for your passion to make a difference in the lives of Australian youth! Your generous gift from our recent Retiring Offering of $375.50 will allow a young person/persons to experience the adventure and significance of a Young Life Summer Camp. Thank you for partnering with Young Life.

11 December, 2023

17th December 2023 Services

17th December 2023 Worship Services

9.00 am Tabor Service includes Godly Play with Pastor Peter Kriewald

10.30 am Bethany Comptempary Service with Karen Pietsch & Pastor David Gogoll

This week's LCA Readings...

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 The good news of God’s deliverance

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 Ready for the coming of the Lord

John 1:6-8, 19-28 He who comes after me stands among you

LCA Prayer

Lord, listen to our prayers. Come to us in your kindness, and lighten the darkness of our hearts.

For you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

8 December, 2023

Prayer requests

If you or anyone you know needs prayer or wishes to be added to the prayer list please email your request to and they will be included in the Church Bulletin prayer list.

8 December, 2023


Monday 18th December, 8 pm for an 8.30 pm start. BYO chairs and torches.

Port & Kuchen will be served after the program. All children attending will receive a honey biscuit.

Once again the Moculta Lutheran community, Gnadenberg and Gruenberg congregations, are getting ready to present the annual Live Nativity.

It will be held on the property of Michael and Sue Falkenberg, 798 Moculta Roadso. Follow the signs along Moculta Road.
