
Christmas Hub Lunch Bunch

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9 December, 2024

11am-1pm Tuesday 10th December Christmas Lunch Bunch at the Hub, 83 Murray St, Tanunda.

This is the last lunch for 2024. All welcome.

Come along for a cheery Christmas chat and a free light lunch.

The more the merrier! Inquiries 8563 3748 or

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2025 Funday Sunday

Funday Sunday is back in 2025.

To be a part of this wonderful opportunity to work together to ‘bless’ our local community with this amazing free event, you may RSVP to this email or contact Carly at or mobile 0421 765 550.

Come to the 1st planning meeting at The Christian Community Hub, 83 Murray St Tanunda, 7:00pm, Monday 3rd March.


Barossa Lutheran Care Thank You

Thank you from Louise Hickinbotham at Barossa Lutheran Care

Firstly, thank you all for the support over the past year and especially the past few months.

Your congregations have been overwhelmingly supportive of our 2024 Christmas Hamper Program, and Lutheran Care Barossa genuinely appreciates all the support that has come our way to help support locals needing a hand up. In total, your congregations helped to support

308 referrals to the Barossa Hamper Program, this included 228 families with 533 Children provided with gifts.

So again, thank you to those who volunteered, donated physical items such as pantry staples, Christmas items, everyday essentials and the wonderful gifts for Children. The physical monetary donations we received were used to purchase the items that we were low in, to make up the Food Hamper Bags and to purchase some extra gifts for the Children we didn't have gifts for.

All monetary Christmas donations deposited directly to Lutheran Care, go towards purchasing the 200 Food Bank Hampers that we give to families and extra Toys that we bulk buy to fulfill Children's gift bags.

So again, thank you for your support, we cannot pull off this project without your kindness.

Emergency Relief Pantry - currently very low in Toothbrushes and Pasta Sauce


Bethany Church Bell TDU

Once again we welcome the international competitive cyclists on their 25th Tour Down Under on Wednesday 22 January.

Men’s Stage 2 begins in Tanunda at 11.10am, cycling 3 circuits through the Barossa.

BYO picnic, chairs etc. and join us on the church lawns as we cheer the riders along three circuits though Bethany heading to Menglers Hill.
