
Christ rules, okay?

The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord (Revelation 11:15b).

Read Revelation 11:15–19

In Jewish worship, the sounding of the seventh trumpet signalled the singing of a hymn of thanksgiving and praise. And so, here, the voices of heaven sing their thanksgiving song, a victory song. The battle has been fierce and long. The kingdoms of Earth have been put in their place. The faithful have remained true. Who is the real king? Who holds the reins of power? The Lord Jesus does. And he does ‘forever and ever’.

Be of no doubt. This is the status of things in the heavenly realm, and so in this earthly realm. At the end of World War II, after peace had been negotiated and become a reality, fighting continued in some places. The news had not reached them. They hadn’t heard the peace proclamation, and so, needlessly, people died. If the kingdom of Satan appears to hold sway here on Earth sometimes, it is only because the proclamation of his defeat has not been heard. Satan has been defeated. Echoing an old slogan: Christ rules, okay?

In Colossians 2:15, we read this: ‘And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he [Christ] made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross’. When a general returned home after a successful battle, they would lead in procession all the vanquished ones. People could laugh at them and hurl abuse – they had been disarmed, defeated and were now a public spectacle for amusement. That calls for the seventh trumpet. That calls for a victory song. And that song is one God’s people sing over and over and over again.

When you are overwhelmed by the world you live in, to the point that it almost seems hopeless; when things are so dark in your life that you feel as though God has been defeated; when you read these chapters in Revelation, and they frighten you, and you worry for yourself and your children and grandchildren, hear this song. Sing this song. It sings a truth that no one and nothing can take away.

Thank you, Jesus. You have defeated all the powers of evil, and you rule supreme. You are my shield, which I hold in front of me when the attack is heavy. Thank you. Amen.

Pastor Jim is a retired pastor living on Brisbane Northside. He served in Papua New Guinea and as school pastor in a number of schools and congregations with schools. He is married to Ruth and has three children and seven grandchildren and loves them all unconditionally. He loves to share the gospel as simply and clearly as he can.


The breath of life from God

But after the three and a half days, a breath of life from God entered them (Revelation 11:11a).

Read Revelation 11:1–14

Days of persecution. The beast (the enemy of the Lamb) attacks. Three and a half days – half of the perfect number (seven) – so an imperfect attack, but still fierce in intensity. And then the breath of life from God. In the constant turmoil we read about in these chapters, terrible as it is, God is always there. He cares for his own. God looks out for those who are faithful in their worship. He rescues. He saves.

You are familiar with the phrase, ‘the breath of God’. We recall the act of creation when God took some soil and shaped it, moulded it and then breathed his breath into what he created, and it became a living being: a breath-filled, spirit-filled being. And then, when Jesus met with his disciples after the resurrection, he ‘breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit”’ – the holy breath, the breath of life (John 20:22). When the breath of life from God goes in, there is a lifting up, there is a linking of spirit with Spirit, there is safety, security, salvation.

In the cosmic battle between good and evil that is being waged all the time (not just at the end of times), good always triumphs. The Lamb on the throne defeats the beast from the abyss. The first readers of this revelation can know that, and you can, too.

CS Lewis said that there are two dangers for Christians when thinking about Satan: to not give him enough attention and to give him too much attention. When we read these words in Revelation, we need to give attention to the terrible, divine punishment for those who constantly refuse to repent. But we also need to not give this so much attention that we miss the ultimate truth: God wins. Jesus defeats the enemy. You can be unafraid. God breathes his creative breath into his faithful ones, and they can stand firmly on their feet (verse 11). The end result is that the God of heaven receives glory (verse 13).

Creative God, continually breathe your breath into me so that I can stand strong when the attack is fierce. Amen.

Pastor Jim is a retired pastor living on Brisbane Northside. He served in Papua New Guinea and as school pastor in a number of schools and congregations with schools. He is married to Ruth and has three children and seven grandchildren and loves them all unconditionally. He loves to share the gospel as simply and clearly as he can.


A rainbow above his head

He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun and his legs were like fiery pillars (Revelation 10:1b).

Read Revelation 10:1–11

How are you going with these Revelation readings? These past chapters have been pretty frightening. Remember that the purpose of this book is primarily to encourage Christians who are increasingly under the threat of persecution and living in a context where the worship of the true God is challenged by contrary ideas. So, as I mentioned in an earlier devotion, look for the gems.

This chapter begins with a description of an angel. It describes the angel with a rainbow around his head, his face like the sun and legs like fiery pillars. Sounds like a good angel to me. It depicts the God who saves, the God who protects. We can recall the rainbow Noah witnessed after the great flood and the accompanying promise that never again will there be such universal destruction. And the sun sheds its light and shows the way. And the legs like pillars of fire remind us of how when the sun wasn’t shining, there was still light as God went before and behind the people of Israel when they were led out of the slavery of Egypt.

So, in all the mayhem, in all the fury and destruction, the God who saves is part of the scenario. We don’t know the message of this angel clearly, but we know that the protecting and saving God is at work. A bit like your life and mine. It can seem like there is no answer – like everything is against you and this year couldn’t possibly be as bad as last year – but God stands with the rainbow above his head, shining like the sun, his legs as fiery pillars to reveal the way ahead. You can read these chapters of Revelation and be afraid of what it might mean. Or you can take comfort: whatever it refers to, a present struggle between good and evil or a future one, God will not abandon you and all those who worship him.

God of heaven and earth, I know that you go before me to show the way and are behind me to see if I fall and pick me up again. When things are scary, help me focus on that. Amen.

Pastor Jim is a retired pastor living on Brisbane Northside. He served in Papua New Guinea and as school pastor in a number of schools and congregations with schools. He is married to Ruth and has three children and seven grandchildren and loves them all unconditionally. He loves to share the gospel as simply and clearly as he can.


Taking God seriously

They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads (Revelation 9:4).

Read Revelation 9:1–12

I hope you didn’t read this reading just before going to bed. The stuff of nightmares. It has been said that this chapter is the scariest one in the whole Bible. Cataclysmic eruptions, torture, agony, beasts that seem to have both human and animal features, destruction. The Book of Revelation is a lot like that. It is a book that many Christians have used to interpret their own times, often in ways that suit their own purposes. In humility, we can readily say that so many of these things are difficult to understand. But one thing we can do is look for what God might want to say to us – to you – as you look for something to keep you going each day.

Let me ask you: do you take God seriously? How does God feel about the way we live and the way our society operates? Does he turn a blind eye to our misplaced priorities? How does the One who says there is to be no other god but he feels about those ‘other gods’ we seem to want to bow before? If we take God seriously, should we be afraid?

Yes. And no. Yes, because God will hold us to account. And no, because those who have the seal of God on their foreheads are protected. That is you. All hell can surround you, and the storm can be so destructive it will destroy a lot in its path, but you are protected. God is so serious about you that he finds a way to set you apart from the consequences of his anger, an anger that is real. He calls you ‘son’ and ‘daughter’ and ‘redeemed’.

In the mayhem so vividly described in the Book of Revelation, see God at his most serious, and don’t take that lightly. But also see the little gems that sparkle among all the doom and gloom. Look for them and let them shine into your life.

God who is love, help me to take seriously your warnings but to also take seriously your loving protection. I make the sign of a cross on my forehead in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pastor Jim is a retired pastor living on Brisbane Northside. He served in Papua New Guinea and as school pastor in several schools and congregations with schools. He is married to Ruth and has three children and seven grandchildren and loves them all unconditionally. He loves to share the gospel as simply and clearly as he can.


His steadfast love: God in action

The Lord takes pleasure in those who … hope in his steadfast love (Psalm 147:11).

Read Psalm 147:1–11,20c

Sometimes it’s so challenging to have hope. As we view the world around us, we can easily become despondent, calling, ‘Where are you, Lord?’ But despite experiencing a heart that aches for a failing world, this day, and every day, we can be reassured that our God ‘… takes pleasure in those who continue to hope in his steadfast love’.

Our God is a God of action!

Our God continues to be active, even when our eyes do not see it. He does not abandon us (Hebrews 13:5). In Psalm 147, we read that he is building his kingdom; gathering unto himself those who are outcasts, healing the brokenhearted and binding their wounds. And while the Lord has determined the number of stars in the sky and given them their names, he continues to exercise his immeasurable understanding over our lives, our world. Our God is such that he lifts the humble while casting out the wicked. Covering, preparing, making all things new – God is in action, even while we may doubt or fail to trust and believe that he is always at work.

And, in response, God wants us to continue to trust him and live in faith, to sing praises to him, make melodies to him and worship him above all things (Philippians 2:9).

‘God takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love’ (Psalm 147:11).

When the world around us, glorifies the ‘strength of a horse, or the legs of a man’ (verse 10), we can remember that what God wants from us mostly, is to also take action: to honour him with humility, and we will recognise that he will lift us up. ‘Praise the Lord!’ (verse 20).

‘If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at God, you’ll be at rest’ – Corrie Ten Boom.

God of action: satisfy us with your truth. Supply us with your power, so that we, too, take righteous action in our lives to withstand the challenges that confront us. O Lord, teach us to revere you, but especially, provide for us with your hope. Thank you for bestowing on us the richness that the Psalms offer, everything to fulfill in our faith and love toward you and for one another. May our lives be a witness to your saving gospel truth that illuminates this dark world. In your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Tatiana is married to Jim, and they live in Largs North, a seaside location in Adelaide. They have two adult children and six grandchildren, who are a wonderful blessing to them both. Tatiana teaches full-time as an English, History and Religion teacher; she gained a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Australian Lutheran College in 1996, and in her spare time, she enjoys knitting, gardening, singing for church, writing and swimming. Her home congregation is Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Adelaide.


Fire and blood

Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth … (Revelation 8:13).

Read Revelation 8:1-13

Today the Revelation story continues and intensifies.

Again, I sit and ponder. Silence. The images revealed in this text, flash before my eyes, like a cinema blockbuster – all the thrills and screams. But this is no movie.

The description is so unpleasant that I struggle to believe it’s true. But it is true because it’s God’s word. ‘All Scripture is God-breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness’ (2 Timothy 3:16). What we have here is a holy calamity.

‘Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth …’ (verse 13).

Who can be saved from this desolation? Our hearts turn to those we love and care for, who do not live lives that honour God. We grieve. What can we do to be saved? We read in verse 4, that our prayers are valuable to God, so valuable that they are held. ‘The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand’. This is the second time this week that we are reminded that our heartfelt prayers are precious to God.

We have read and meditated upon many extraordinary topics and themes: angels, incense, prayers held in golden bowls, the four living beings, the elders, the throne of God, and the Lamb of God. Binding seals, the heralding of trumpets, the golden censer of the Kings of kings, the response of nature as thunder peals, fire mixed with blood … but we need not fear what is to come, as Christ has made us co-heirs with him in his heavenly kingdom.

‘But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we eagerly wait for him to return as our Saviour. He will take our weak mortal bodies, and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control (Philippians 3:20,21).

We pray: all-powerful God, we come humbly before you, seeking to understand your works and all your ways. Help us, Lord, to believe, so that we may stand before your throne in heaven, with the multitude, before the Lamb. Have mercy on us, Lord. We especially pray for our loved ones; that they may also believe in you. We seek you, to grow in faith, to stand atoned before heaven’s throne, together with you. Amen.

Tatiana is married to Jim, and they live in Largs North, a seaside location in Adelaide. They have two adult children and six grandchildren, who are a wonderful blessing to them both. Tatiana teaches full-time as an English, History and Religion teacher; she gained a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Australian Lutheran College in 1996, and in her spare time, she enjoys knitting, gardening, singing for church, writing and swimming. Her home congregation is Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Adelaide.


The Prayers of God’s people

Worthy is the Lamb … praise and honour and glory and power, forever and ever (Revelation 5:12,13)!

Read Revelation 5:6–14

The Lamb of God, at the centre of the throne of God, is surrounded by the four living creatures, and the elders, representatives chosen by God, holding bowls of incense filled with the prayers of God’s people. What an extraordinary picture these holy words paint for us today!

And we hear that these chosen ambassadors sang a new song: for Jesus makes all things new (Revelation 21:5). The lyrics of this ‘new song’ voice the sacrifice of the Lamb, he who is worthy because of his blood shed for us – his people! These lyrics include something about us too: ‘… persons of every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God …’ (verses 9 and 10). We, too, are ambassadors in relationship with, and serving, our Triune God.

Our prayers are acknowledged here. They are collected and held like incense rising to God. A holy stockpile – have you ever considered this? God hears our prayers; God listens to the person who does his will (John 9:31). Our prayers are, therefore, not pointless. What do we pray for then? In our church community, our prayers come together to rise as incense to his holy throne. And what of our personal prayers? Let us not ignore their value and importance to God, who is pleased by them (Proverbs 15:8).

We have been given biblical instruction to pray for all people: ‘I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people … this is good and pleases our God and Saviour’ (1 Timothy 2:1,3).

So may we offer our prayers, and together with the angels, a multitude of angels, who already encircle the throne of God, and who worship in a loud voice, together with them proclaim ‘… honour and glory and praise to the Lamb who was slain … forever and ever … Amen’ (verses 12 to 14).

O holy God, we stand in awe and humility before you, as you reveal such wondrous things to us through your holy word. May the prayers that we offer be pleasing in your sight. We pray that our eyes be opened to your majesty. Lord, help us to worship Jesus in spirit and truth; He who is the holy Lamb of God. In your holy name, we humbly pray. Amen.


He is worthy of our thanks

Our Lord and God, you are worthy to receive glory, honour, and power. You created all things, and by your decision they are and were created (Revelation 4:11).

Read Revelation 4:9 – 5:5

It’s Australia Day today. It’s the day we are invited to celebrate all things Australian – slap a prawn on the barbie and slip a lamb roast in the oven. We might go watch a game of tennis or possibly cricket. We might even attend an Australia Day ceremony to witness and congratulate new citizens as they make their commitment to Australian citizenship.

I wrote a song for the Berri Barmera Council Australia Day ceremony that had this chorus:

We are Australians – Australian

Working and playing in this great, great land

We are Australians – Australian

Loving life in Australia.

What a privilege it is to live in Australia.

Let’s turn back to the aged-care service I mentioned earlier in the week. When it came time for prayer, I asked what we might include in our prayers. We had quite a conversation about how blessed we are to live in Australia. In our prayer, we gave thanks to the Lord for the freedom and blessings of life in Australia.

But even as we celebrate our land, Australia, and thank God for it, living creatures praise the Lord around his throne – perpetually.

Yes, it is good for us to celebrate our nation and thank the Lord for all the blessings we enjoy and appreciate. We should never take for granted the freedoms and abundance available to us. But more importantly, we should always remember that all we have, every blessing, and every good thing we enjoy in this place is there by God’s grace. As we read in Revelation 4:10, ‘You created all things, and by your decision they are and were created’.

And so we join with the living creature and elders around the throne of God in giving him who created all things: glory, honour, and power.

Dear creating and life-giving Father. We thank and praise you with angels, archangels and all the company of heaven for who you are: our gracious and redeeming God. Keep us always thankful to you for all we enjoy in this life. Keep us ever hopeful for the life with you to come. Amen.

Tim has served as a pastor for over 30 years in Australia and New Zealand and is currently at Faith Warradale in South Australia. Husband to his wife, father of three and grandfather of more than nine. Tim says he is living in hope. He enjoys gardening (especially his orchard of over 60 trees, succulents and flowering plants), making music (he loves to sing), beekeeping and taking photos.


Perpetual worship

Day and night they never stopped singing, ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the all-powerful God, who was and is and is coming’ (Revelation 4:8).

Read Revelation 4:1–8

As teenagers in Perth, we would gather every Friday night at one of our group homes for fellowship and worship. We would read the word and reflect on it. We would pray and sing … sometimes well into the early hours, till sleep won us over.

So when I read and try to imagine the vision John was given about the incredible scene that opened up to him and the living creatures around the throne of God who never stopped singing, I can only marvel at what is happening there. This is an extraordinary revelation and expression of the kingdom that waits for you and me.

But in the meantime, we are limited. So, what do we listen for here in these verses?

Perhaps our foretaste of heaven is to be reminded of the complete holiness and awesome reality of God’s glory as described in this revelation and to grow in worship. And that’s what God wants. He wants us to worship him – to acknowledge his majesty, to be in awe of him. He wants us to live our lives with this sense of the imminent presence of the Lord so that our lives – our whole lives – are acts of worship!

They sing it over and over again: ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, the all-powerful God, who was and is and is coming.’

They are describing and honouring our God – the maker of heaven and earth, our Redeemer, the one who gives us life every day – perpetually. Can we join with them so that our lives are truly perpetual lives of worship? I would like to hope for that. As a sinner, I know I fall down on the job – like those teenagers in Perth who fell asleep. But I know, too, that the Lord comes to me, forgives me, picks me up, and, with his Spirit, continues to inspire my life as an act of worship of our awesome God.

Almighty God, our minds limit us. We cannot fully grasp the immensity of your holiness. Nevertheless, keep inspiring us as your people in everything we do so that our lives honour and worship you in every circumstance. Amen.
