15 March, 2024

Novo Youth Camp - Blueprint Ministries

The NOVO Youth Camp 2024 is coming up soon in the April holidays – a great opportunity to get together with others from around SA and NT.

Who: Years 7–12

When: 19–22 April 2024

Where: Unity College, Murray Bridge

Registrations are now open and will close at midday on 8 April 2024. Register at

First-time campers only pay $50. Contact Blueprint Ministries for the code.

Visit Blueprint Ministries' Facebook page for further info.

15 March, 2024

District Convention of Synod

District Convention of Synod

Registrations for the District Convention of Synod at Lobethal Lutheran Church on Saturday 4 May 2024 are now open!

Registrations are essential and close at midnight on Tuesday 16 April 2024. The cost is $35 per person. Register at

15 March, 2024

Men's Shed Fellowship...Reminder

When: Friday 22nd March, from 6 pm.

Where: Johann's Find - Schiller Vineyards, 2331 Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda.

Bring a BYO chair, food, drink, and eating utensils. BBQ available.

For further details, contact Jarome Graetz at 0438 797 300

15 March, 2024

17th March 2024 Services

Sunday 17th March Worship Services

9.00 am Tabor service led by Pastor Sam Davis with Godly Play

10.30 am Bethany service led by Pastor Sam Davis (Children’s Service)

LCA Readings

Jeremiah 31:31-34 God promises a new covenant

Hebrews 5:5-10 Jesus the great high priest, made perfect through suffering

John 12:20-33 Jesus announces that his hour has come

11 March, 2024

Servant of Christ Awards

The Award honours lay people of the Lutheran Church of Australia by recognising those who give outstanding service. Closing date 26 April 2024. Award guidelines and nomination forms are available from the LCA website

11 March, 2024

LCANZ Simultaneous Art Exhibition 2024

Artists of all ages, stages, and media are invited to participate in exhibitions in their local communities in August 2024 as part of the LCANZ Simultaneous Art Exhibition. Registrations close on 31st May 2024. For more information and resources visit

11 March, 2024

LCA News

To subscribe, go to and follow the prompts.

8 March, 2024

10th March 2024 Services

Sunday 10th March 2024 Worship Services

9.00 am Tabor HC Service with Pastor Paul Kerber

10.30 am Bethany HC Service with Pastor Paul Kerber

LCA Readings

Numbers 21:4-9 The snake of bronze in the desert

Ephesians 2:1-10 Saved by grace through faith

John 3:14-21 Jesus brings life and light to the world

8 March, 2024

German Language Evangelical Worship Services

"Around" Easter 2024 services:

-- This coming Sunday, 10 March 2024, at 12:30 pm at the Noarlunga Uniting Church, 23 William Rd, Christies Beach with Lay theologian Gerhard Rüdiger

-- Sunday, 17 March 2024, at 11:00 am at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 139 Archer St, North Adelaide with Pastor Theo Prucha

-- on Palm Sunday, 24 March 2024, at 10:30 am at Tabor Lutheran Church, 77 Murray St, Tanunda (Barossa Valley) with Lay theologian Gerhard Rüdiger

-- on Good Friday, 29 March 2024, at 11:00 am at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 139 Archer St, North Adelaide with Pastor Theo Prucha

-- on Easter Sunday, 31 March 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 139 Archer St. North Adelaide with Pastor Theo Prucha
