Thursday 29 August at 7.30 pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church
139 Archer St, North Adelaide. Guide us by Thy hand to our fatherland:
New perspectives on the Kavel migration to SA Speaker: Johannes Boxdörfer
LIVESTREAM on FoLA YouTube channel:
A high-school teacher in Lindau, Bavaria, Johannes completed a doctoral thesis on the Old Lutheran migration to SA in the mid-19th century. All welcome, $5 donation, free supper!
If members of your congregation would like to contribute any (or all) of the following items it would again be very appreciated to ensure we keep the cupboards well stocked for those in need.
• Soap or Body Wash
• Shampoo and Conditioner or 2in1's
• Breakfast Cereal
Please contact Louise if you have any questions about the Emergency Relief Program that we run in the Barossa.0447 971 406
Lyndoch Lutheran Church Hall, 7 Margaret Street, Lyndoch. For more details phone 08 8562 2688
Join us every Wednesday (during the school term) between 9.15 am and 11.15 am for a chat, a bite to eat, and a variety of fun activities.
Bring your friends or come along and make new ones.
When worshipping at another SBLC congregation, your offering envelope can be placed on the offering plate, as the money will be returned to your congregation.
If you don’t have an offering envelope, please use a plain envelope and write your congregation’s name on it.
Wednesday 7th August the SA-NT District is hosting a face-to-face conversation at Para Vista Lutheran Church.
We will also be livestreaming this event. The link is
The livestream will be recorded so it can be viewed later.
Support Workshop for worship leaders: "O Lord, Open My Lips" Workshop. Saturday 24 August at St Petri, Nuriootpa. $10 entrance fee.
ALC Principal Dr. Tim Stringer and local Lutheran pastors will share stories providing valuable information/encouragement to anyone involved in worship gatherings, including lay readers, musicians, & ushers.
For information or RSVP, contact St Petri Lutheran Church on 8562 1011 or via email at by 21 August 2024.
11th August after the FUEL Service
Held at the Scrub block near Kaiser Stuhl. You will need an AWD & we can carpool.
BBQ Lunch, Campfire, Games and Hike.
Contact Grant at
Southern Barossa Lutheran Church
Bethany 10.30 HC Pastor Paul Kerber
Grace-St Johns No Service
Langmeil 8.45 am Pastor Jim Bryan & 10.30 am FUEL at Faith Junior School
Lyndoch 9am HC Pastor Brian Schwarz
Tabor 9 am HC Pastor Paul Kerber
OFFERING NOTES. When worshipping at another SBLC congregation, your offering envelope can be placed on the offering plate, as the money will be returned to your congregation. If you don’t have an offering envelope, please use a plain envelope and write your congregation’s name on it.
Tabor 9 am HC Pastor Paul Kerber
Bethany 10.30 am HC Pastor Paul Kerber
a) 2 Samuel 18:5-9,15,31-33 The death of David’s son Absalom
b) 1 Kings 19:4-8 Elijah fed by God
Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2 Be imitators of God
John 6:35, 41-51 Jesus the bread of life