2024 Christmas Hamper Donations are needed by 16/12/24.
Please if you can donate deliver to St Petri Church Hall, Nuriootpa, on Monday the 16th of December, 9am - 11am. Thank you.
Christmas Lollies / Chocolates / Mixed Nuts / Christmas Pudding / Cake / Mince Pies / Chips / Crackers /
Sweet Biscuits / Vegemite / Jam / Peanut Butter / Long Life Milk / Long Life Custard / Long Life Fruit Juice / Soft Drink / Cordial / Tea / Coffee / Milo / Tinned Tuna / Ham / Salmon / Pasta / Rice / Noodles / Pasta Sauce / Stir Fry Sauce /Tinned Vegetables / Fruit / Soup / Cereal / Muesli / Christmas Crackers / Cards / Wrap / Toiletries / Cleaning Products / Quality, New or Unused Children's Gifts
Services - 3rd Sunday of Advent
Bethany No Service
Grace: St John’s 9:00am HC Pastor Paul Kerber
Langmeil: 8:45am HC and 10:30am HC Pastor Brian Schwarz
Lyndoch: 9:00am
Schoenborn: 10:30am HC Pastor Paul Kerber
Tabor: 9:00am + Godly Play
Readings (Copy attached)
First Reading:
Zephaniah 3:14-20 The Lord will renew us by his love
Isaiah 12:2-6 - Isaiah 12:2-6 Antiphon: In your midst is the Holy One of Israel. (Isa 2:6)
Second Reading:
Philippians 4:4-7 Rejoice! The Lord is near
Luke 3:7-18 What must we do?
Affirming our Faith and Mission Together
Letter attached.
11am-1pm Tuesday 10th December Christmas Lunch Bunch at the Hub, 83 Murray St, Tanunda.
This is the last lunch for 2024. All welcome.
Come along for a cheery Christmas chat and a free light lunch.
The more the merrier! Inquiries 8563 3748 or cchubtan@gmail.com
Update from SBLC Governance Council 5/12/24.
Extension of Pastor Paul Kerber's assignment to the SBLC.
We are pleased to announce that the SA&NT District Church Council and Pastor Paul Kerber have agreed to a 3-month extension of his assignment to the SBLC till 30th April 2025.
We thank Pastor Paul for agreeing to extension and helping to cover the busy Easter period.
Dutschke Thank You (farewell) Morning Tea
Karen & Stephen are retiring to Port Victoria after 36years of serving in St Paul’s / Grace congregation.
What- A special morning tea. Please bring ‘a plate’ to share, if you wish. On the day, there will be a large card for you to sign / for messages, if you would like.
When - Sunday December 15th (about 10:30am)
Where- St Johns Church Hall, following the 9am Service led by Pastor Paul and Silas.
The Grace community and friends from other congregations are all welcome.
Enquires to Sheryl Wagenknecht 0400 105292
See attachment for service church and times.
Bethany Church Christmas Happenings
15th December: 4.30pm Christmas tree decorating, with food afterward.
24th December: 5.45pm Christmas Eve Service with Nativity play, children dress-ups
29th December: 10.30am Bethany/Tabor combined service at Bethany
Please contact Kerry Kroehn for more details at 0404 056 428.
Minutes of the 21st Convention of General Synod and the updated LCA Constitution are available now.