9am Sunday 8th December at Faith Junior Campus Harvest Centre.
The Call Meeting will be held immediately after the Combined service.
For more information regarding the Call Meeting & Pastors see attachments.
Tanunda Women's Fellowship Christmas Lunch
12 noon on Thursday, December 12th at Langmeil Hall. Both men and women invited. $20 per person.
Please reply to Irene Schubert or Raelene Mattner by December 5th.
There will be an offering to support the work of (ALWS). We look forward to you joining us.
Sunday 24th November SBLC Worship Services
Bethany 10:30am HC Pastor Gus Schulz
Grace St Paul’s 9:00am Children’s Service
Langmeil No Services
Lyndoch 10:30am HC Pastor Greg Schiller
Tabor 9:00am HC Pastor Gus Schulz and
Tabor 10:30am German Language Service Gerhard Ruediger
Bible Readings 24 November 2024 (Readings are Attached)
First Reading: 2 Samuel 23:1-7 The last words of David OR Daniel 7:9,10,13,14 A vision of God surrounded by his court
Psalm 132:1-12, (13-18) OR Psalm 93
Second Reading: Revelation 1:4b-8 Christ is coming on the clouds
Gospel: John 5:21-29 The Son’s authority to judge and to save OR
John 18:33-37 Jesus’ kingdom not of this world
Sunday 1 December SBLC Worship Services
Bethany 10:30am with Godly Play
Grace St John’s 9:00am HC Pastor Peter Kriewaldt
Langmeil 8:45 HC & 10:30 HC Pastor Paul Kerber
Lyndoch 10:00am with Anglicans at Lyndoch
Schoenborn 9:00am
Tabor No Services
Please find attached our Christmas Hamper Support letter and Donation list to share.
We certainly appreciate the ongoing support to achieve a wonderful Christmas for all in our community.
If anyone has any questions at all, please reach out and I will be happy to assist.
Thank you again for your kindness.
Kind Regards,
Louise Hickinbotham (She/Her)
Emergency Financial Assistance Coordinator
Working days are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
The next Kaffee und Kuchen meeting is on 25 November at the Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria Street, Tanunda. This will be a Christmas celebration with German carols and songs.
It will be preceded by a Norddeutsche Platten, a north German luncheon with cold meats, salad and a glass of wine at 12 midday.
The cost is $15 per person which includes the regular coffee and cakes.
Those wishing to attend should contact Steffi Traeger (0408 621 384)
Go Green This Christmas & order fresh Christmas Trees from The Hub
****Orders close Friday 22nd November****
Pick up is Saturday 7th December at 9.30am from the Hub carpark.
$60 per tree, cash or card, various sizes available.
To purchase a tree phone 8563 3748 or come into The Hub.
Grown by Holy Cross Lutheran Church at Birdwood, proceeds go to support the School Chaplaincy program.
When worshipping at another SBLC congregation, your offering envelope can be placed on the offering plate, as the money will be returned to your congregation.
If you don’t have an offering envelope, please use a plain envelope and write your congregation’s name on it.
Click on the blue Headings under lined to access information on each course.
Set YOUR course for success in 2025. Integrate our PD program into your planning for next year.
For a Brochure go to https://tabor.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a7bb93f9175b0afc1aa34c503&id=d69464aac0&e=11bc6dc581
To Register go to https://tabor.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a7bb93f9175b0afc1aa34c503&id=c7c6396144&e=11bc6dc581
Exciting New Topics - Now Available to Register!
Friday, 7 March TEACHING WITH AI
Practical AI Strategies for Year 7-12 Teachers
(Education Specific)
Friday, 27 Jun
Part A: Mastering Difficult Conversations
Part B: Responding to Tricky Personalities
Thursday, 15 & 29 May*
Part A: Understanding Religious Trauma
Part B: Mental Health and Faith
*delivered over two evenings
Friday, 8 August
Equipping Individuals for Effective Apologetics
Saturday, 8 Nov
Spiritual Retreat Day
Sunday 17 November Worship Services
Bethany No Service
Grace St Paul’s 9:00am HC Pastor Graham Jenke
Langmeil 8:45am HC & 10:30am HC Pastor Brian Schwarz
Lyndoch 10:00am St Jakobi
Schoenborn 10:30am HC Graham Jenke
Tabor 9:00am Remembrance Service + Godly Play. Pastor Ken Pfitzner
Sunday 24 November Worship Services
Bethany 10:30am HC Pastor Gus Schulz
Grace St Paul’s 9:00am Children’s Service
Langmeil No Services
Lyndoch 10:30am Pastor Greg Schiller
Tabor 9:00am HC Pastor Gus Schulz and 10:30am German Language Service Gerhard Ruediger