24 July, 2023

Art With Margie At The Hub

Sign up now at the Hub for our September Art Classes with Margie.

All are welcome to come along for a relaxing and enjoyable morning.

A package of 4 classes for $80 or $25 for individual classes.

21 July, 2023

Monday 31st July The HUB's SALA Opening "The Collective"

SALA at the HUB Opening Invitation. Monday 31st July from 5-7 pm. A celebration of artistic expression. For catering purposes please RSVP to The Hub, Phone 8563 3748 or email

Exhibition open 1st - 31st August, Monday to Friday 9.30 am - 4 pm, Saturday 9:30 am-12 pm

A group of enthusiastic, amateur local artists who use their creativity, imagination and memory to depict their wonder, joy and fascination with nature and scenes and emotions from life.

21 July, 2023

30th July, 9am SBC Combined Service Faith Harvest Centre

Worship Service will be followed by a SBC Working Party presentation on options for the way forward, followed by Morning Tea.

Disabled Parking: available via the Jane Place gate to Faith Junior Campus with signs near the gate.

Children's Activities provided. Children are to arrive by 8.45 am to start activities before the Service begins.

Live stream of Service available via Langmeil's Facebook page and Youtube Langmeil Lutheran Church online

21 July, 2023

23rd July 2023 Tabor and Bethany Services

Tabor 9.00 am & Bethany 10.30 am with Holy Communion. The worship leader is Pastor Jim Bryan


Genesis 28:10-19a Jacob dreams of a stairway from heaven to earth

Romans 8:12-25 Our future glory is beyond compare.

John 1:43-51 Jesus says He is the stairway to heaven

HYMNS/SONGS LH501; AT137; AT615; LH290; LH888; AT10

15 July, 2023

Reminder to Save the Dates....

Note these dates in your calendar.....

10th September 2023 - Funday Sunday

14th October 2023 - Hub Mystery Meals on Wheels Dinner

15 July, 2023



Karl Wittwer will be speaking on European Defence Airspace and sharing his experience in the Space Industry. BYO chair, food, drink, and eating utensils. BBQ is available. For further details, contact Trevor Braunack- 0409 633 829

10 July, 2023

16 July 2023 Tabor and Bethany Services

Tabor 9.00 am & Bethany 10.30 am: Guest Speaker - Pastor Joyce Graue will speak at both services on her missionary work in PNG and the Central African Republic, and her calling as a Pastor in the U.S.A. Services will be followed by a combined Parish Lunch at 12 Noon at Bethany Church Hall. An opportunity for fellowship and to meet and speak to Joyce and her husband Ian. Please bring a small plate to share. Chicken Noodle soup will be provided.

10 July, 2023

Combined Worship Opportunity

The July FUEL service will be held on Sunday 23rd July at the Harvest Centre, Faith Lutheran College Junior Campus. Morning tea will be served from 10 am with worship to follow at 10:30 am. Great opportunity for intergenerational and inter-congregational fellowship.

For further details, contact Jo Herrmann at

7 July, 2023

Save The Dates...

Note these dates in your calendar.....

10th September 2023 - Funday Sunday

14th October 2023 - Hub Mystery Meals on Wheels Dinner
