Southern Barossa Churches
EASTER Worship
THURSDAY APRIL 6 Maundy Thursday
Bethany 7:00 p.m. H.C. Grace - St. John’s 7:30 p.m. H.C.
Langmeil 7:30 p.m. H.C. Tabor 5:30 p.m. H.C.
FRIDAY APRIL 7 Good Friday
Langmeil 8:45 a.m. H.C. The trial 9:00 am. HC Tabor
Crucifixion/Darkness 12 noon H.C. Death 3:00 p.m. H.C. Grace - St John’s
Bethany 9:30 a.m. H.C. Grace - St John’s 6:15 am (Cemetery), 7 am H.C.
Langmeil 6:45 a.m. H.C., 8:45 a.m. H.C. Tabor 8:00 a.m. H.C.
Schoenborn 9:00 a.m. H.C.
At our Bethany AGM last week, Lynette Nitschke was elected Chairperson. Thankyou to Lynette and Paul for acting in these positions
Hello to all of you, both near and far, who are loved by the Lord.
Good news! Here in South Australia, with COVID19 restrictions easing, we may once again gather in large numbers. This is reason to rejoice and give thanks.
For the Church, the Body of Christ, it means we may get together to worship God in much larger groups than we’ve been doing for some months. A cause for celebration!
This message is especially for those who won’t be rushing to the church buildings on Sunday mornings. You can still be part of the church!
During the past months many of us experienced being church differently than we’ve ever known. We’ve explored resources on-line, in print and other media. Worshipped in pairs, families, with friends, neighbours, and in small groups. We’ve participated in worship with others in a diversity of ways.
It’s been a learning and growing time as we’ve faced fears and concerns for the world and also challenges presented by new experiences of being church in a radically different way. Discovering new aspects of technology and finding an abundance of resources to nurture our faith and facilitate our worship of God has been a steep learning curve.
In our need, we’ve turned our eyes to God and sought him for strength, comfort, guidance, and protection. We’ve leaned on Jesus, drawn closer to him, and prayed for the help of the Holy Spirit, only to find he was already there, drawing us into his embrace.
It’s been wonderful to hear of people feeling calm and peaceful, confident in God’s loving presence, and equipped to worship him and continue to grow in faith. We haven’t been separated from him or from one another. The Holy Spirit bonds us in unity and our sharing together in small units hasn’t diminished our belonging to Jesus or our being part of his Body, the Church.
We’ve still been Church, we’re still part of God’s Kingdom. If it seems good to you and the Holy Spirit, then there’s no reason why you can’t continue being Church in this way.
If you’ve been worshipping at home with your neighbour who wouldn’t attend the church building for a formal service but is thriving in your worship at home - or if you haven’t been in a church building for some time but are keen to keep worshipping on-line - or if you’ve been involved in church life but are feeling called to keep worshipping as part of a network of small churches scattered through the community - the great news is the Body of Christ, the Church, is beautiful and richly diverse. How wonderful!
Jesus never prescribed a one size fits all church. The last months do count. It wasn’t “pretend worship” while we waited for the “real thing” to resume. God’s been at work in us, with us, and for us, and continues to bless us.
We’d like to bless what God’s doing in your life. You’re part of the Kingdom of God and can also be part of the church in this place. We’d like to encourage and support you!
Our on-line and print resources will still be available, as will the wealth of material provided by our brothers and sisters in many other churches.
If you’d like to let us know who you are, we can stay in touch, pray for you, support you, and hear stories of what Jesus is doing in your life. You’re always welcome to come to a larger gathering to celebrate and worship from time to time, as seems good.
If you’d like to email, phone or meet up with us, we’d love to hear from you. Then we can explore how we might keep in touch and support you and your group in an on-going relationship with this church community.
The grace and peace of Jesus is with you.
Autumn Garden
Trees, glorious with russet, amber, and burgundy leaves, tantalize my vision, ensuring a rapt audience for the prima donnas detaching and floating ground-wards to surf the currents, before piling into crowded corners or strewing languid along stretches of gutter, hoping for an encore with a passing breeze. Beyond them, hands of gold and orange cling to brown vines, showing as stripes against newly green hills.
All this leafy showcase drenched in rose gold sunlight that bathes a relieving balm through the crisp autumn air. A palette of rich colour and a mellow ambience that define my favourite season and, after summer’s toxic heat, administer a luscious syrup to my senses.
I thank you Lord for this wonderful season that revitalizes me from my summer lethargy and draws me outside again. Into the garden. Planting and wandering, simply enjoying, and taking time to be at peace in you. Amen.
Autumn worship:
Praise God for Autumn! For leaves. For colour. Sing your favourite hymn or song and rejoice in the Lord!
Look for psalms with verses that speak of creation praising the Creator. EG Ps 8, 96, 97, 98,104. Read some verses out loud and add words of your own to talk to Jesus.
Find a poem about autumn or a painting of autumn leaves. Let it inspire you to praise God.
Give thanks for your senses and for the variety of shape, form, and colour in creation. Make a list of all the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and textures, that bring delight to you and cause you to thank God.
Use words, or paints, or other art media to express worship to God. Create something beautiful as a thanksgiving or a witness to others.
Go into your garden or take a walk and enjoy looking at other gardens. Ask God to open your eyes and use your senses as well as your mind to reveal himself and to speak to you. What insights or parables of God’s kingdom does Jesus want to convey to you? Do any Bible passages come to mind?
Consider how we might all be better stewards of God’s beautiful creation. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you practical ways of respecting and caring for God’s world.
Enjoy the garden as God’s gift as you plant flowers or bulbs. Bless someone else with a plant or flowers.
Write a Bible verse, that speaks to you at this time, on a sheet of A4 paper. On another sheet write a prayer telling God the main thing on your heart and mind right now. Place some different coloured autumn leaves between your 2 sheets of paper and press them under some heavy books. Leave them until later in the year, when the time seems right to speak further with God about this. What has the Lord been saying and doing in your life since then? Review where you were at then, and how you are doing now. Is the same thing still uppermost in your mind? Let the pressed leaves be a reminder of God’s presence with you during the different seasons of life. Jesus is with you now and always.
Praise the Lord, everything he has created, everything in all his kingdom. Let all that I am praise the Lord. Psalm 103:22