Next meeting is Thursday, July 13th, at 1.30 pm
Langmeil Hall. Bible Study July Lutheran women. Guest speaker Paul Ridley, Pastoral
Care School’s Ministry team. Hosted by Grace ladies. Come along and join us.
Sunday 16th July 2 pm-4 pm Grace Lutheran Church (St. Pauls) or Tuesday 18th July 7 pm-9 pm Langmeil Lutheran church. Sessions are open to all Southern Barossa congregation members. Provided by Pastor Paul Kerber & Southern Barossa Pastoral Care Team. Interactive so bring your Bible, Paper/Pen, or Technology.
Session Topics -
• Challenges with pastoral care
• Pastoral Care tools to approach those challenges
• Learn how to introduce Jesus into the conversation
• Examples of how Jesus ministers to people when he is face-to-face with them
Guest Speaker - Pastor Joyce Graue who will speak on her missionary work in PNG and the Central African Republic, and her calling as a Pastor in the U.S.A. Services will be followed by a combined Parish Lunch at 12 Noon at Bethany Church Hall. An opportunity for fellowship and to meet and speak to Joyce and her husband Ian. Please bring a small plate to share. Chicken Noodle soup will be provided.
Thursday, July 27th, 7.30 pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Archer St., North Adelaide.
Guest speakers: Helen Hennessy & Patricia Booth, a great-granddaughter of Harry Coombe. The curious and relatively unknown life of Ephraim Henry (Harry) Coombe, journalist, newspaper editor & member of parliament who represented the Barossa District for 14 years & advocated for proportional voting, women's suffrage & against the closure of Lutheran schools during the First World War. All welcome, Supper & $5 donation. Live streaming available: @friendsoflutheranarchives9644/live
Tabor 9 am Service Pastor Rob Schubert
6th Sunday after Pentecost
This Weeks Readings -
Genesis 24:34-38,42-49,58-67 Abraham's Servant Finds a Wife for Isaac
Romans 7:15-25a The Struggle of the Sinner - Saint
Matthew 11:16-19,25-30 Jesus Reveals the Father and the Weary Find Rest in Him
Psalm 45:10-17
Bethany 10.30 am Service with HC, Pastor Rob Schubert
6th Sunday after Pentecost
This Weeks Readings -
Genesis 24:34-38,42-49,58-67 Abraham's Servant Finds a Wife for Isaac
Romans 7:15-25a The Struggle of the Sinner - Saint
Matthew 11:16-19,25-30 Jesus Reveals the Father and the Weary Find Rest in Him
Psalm 45:10-17
ALPHA is an outreach program consisting of a series of interactive sessions that explore life faith and meaning over 11 weeks exploring the big issues of life and faith. Unpacking the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?” “Why and how do I pray?” & “How does God guide us? Alpha is the chance to share thoughts and ideas & discuss them in a small group. The Course is intended to start on 20th September. Currently, the primary hosting site will be Langmeil Church. Contact Grant Herrmann, Ev Leske, Geraldine Avent & Jarome Graetz via
Wednesday 19th July, 2.00pm HC Service at Grace (St.John's)
Sunday 23rd July, 10.30am F.U.E.L. Family Service at Faith Junior School Harvest Centre
Sunday 30th July, 9.00am SBC Combined Service at Faith Junior School Harvest Centre
Wednesday 9th August, 2.00pm HC Service at Grace (St.John's)
Sunday 27th August, 10.30am F.U.E.L. Family Service at Faith Junior School Harvest Centre
Sunday 27th August, 10.30am German Language Service at Tabor
Tabor 9 am Service Pastor Mark Kleeman
This Weeks Readings -
Genesis 22:1-14 The sacrifice of Isaac: God tests Abraham
Romans 6:12-23 You have become slaves to righteousness
Matthew 10:40-42 Whoever welcomes you welcomes me