Friday the 23rd June at Langmeil Centre from 6.00 pm. The Guest Speaker is Ms. Ro Forgan, sharing stories of her time as Prison Manager & Command Manager at Mt Gambier and Murray Bridge prisons, and the impact of KAIROS Christian ministry on the prisoners. BYO Drinks, Chairs & Food for BBQ. Contacts: Trevor Braunack 0409 633 829 / Jarome Graetz 0438 797 300.
We are considering holding a Meals on Wheels Dinner on a Saturday night, possibly in early October. Bus pick up and drop off, 3 Courses at different venues, Drinks included. Cost $75pp. Please email The Hub at or phone 8563 3748 if interested, by MONDAY 26th JUNE.
A FREE workshop that helps parents, grandparents & caregivers to support your child / young person’s resilience.
Based on the latest parenting research and information from Parenting SA.
Bookings are essential. To book: Phone - Kim 0408 192 143 or Email -
Where: Angaston Football Club, Cnr Washington St & Radford Rd, Angaston
When: Part 1: Wednesday 21/6/2023 & Part 2: Wednesday 28/6/2023
Time: 6.00 pm - 8:30 pm. Please arrive 10 minutes early to register.
Light refreshments and crèche provided.
St Peter’s Lutheran Chorale, Brisbane has a national and international reputation for its compelling sound and performance of innovative Australian repertoire as well as choral classics. A free lunchtime concert for the music of all ages! Barossa Regional Gallery, Thursday 22nd June 12.30 pm.
Tabor 9 am. Pastor Peter Kriewaldt is welcomed this week as our Worship Leader
Bethany 10.30 am Nevin Nitschke - Contemporary Service.
Weekly recorded service available at
Tanunda Womenn's Fellowship Meeting on June 8th, 1.30 pm at Langmeil Hall.
Bible Study from June Lutheran Women. Hosted by Tabor Ladies.
If you or anyone you know needs prayer or wishes to be added to the Church prayer list, please email your request to and they will be added to the weekly Parish Bulletin.
Have you ever felt out of your depth knowing what to say when people are sharing their troubles? Have you ever struggled to respond to your children or family members when they are experiencing difficulties? If so come along Tuesday 23rd May 7.00 - 9.00 pm, Langmeil Lutheran Church or Sunday 4th June 2.00 - 4.00 pm to Grace (St Pauls) Lutheran Church. Provided by Pastor Paul Kerber and the Southern Barossa Pastoral Care Team. These sessions are open to all Southern Barossa Congregation members. Interactive:- bring your Bible, paper and pen or technology. Session Topics: What is pastoral care? How do pastoral care opportunities happen? The why of pastoral care & examples of the power of the gospel in pastoral care.